Q1 Retail and Fitness Center
Type: Business Development /Sport - Recreational
Qairawan City
Qairawan is located to the west of Kuwait City, and was initially called south Doha as it is bordered to the north by Doha, to the east by Sulaibikhat, the Fifth Ring Road to the south and Doha expressway to the west.
Design Strategy
The design strategy is focused on four important areas including:
- Safety and Functional aspects: by focusing on meeting all the standards and requirements and that the complex will respond to all functional needs of its users in the most efficient way.
-Sustainable aspects: by trying to minimize the environmental impacts and using the maximum passive strategies as possible.
-Humane aspects ; by putting the users first and focusing on their health and safety as well as how they will experience and relate to the project.
-Aesthetic aspects: by creating a visibly pleasant architecture inspired by traditional Bazaar for retail center and modern characterized building for fitness center.